International Court of Justice Rejects Nicaragua’s Claims in Continental Shelf Delimitation Case Against Colombia

On July 13, 2023, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, delivered its judgment in the case concerning the question of the delimitation of the continental shelf between Nicaragua and Colombia beyond 200 nautical miles from the Nicaraguan coast. The case was brought before the court by Nicaragua…

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Advancing Sustainable Development in the Amazon: A Comprehensive Approach

On June 30, 2023, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) introduced a groundbreaking initiative called Amazonia Forever. This holistic umbrella program seeks to accelerate the sustainable, inclusive, and resilient development of the Amazon region through enhanced financing, knowledge sharing, and regional coordination. The program garnered support from the IDB’s governors representing Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana,…

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Colombia has decided to keep its monetary policy rate at 13.25%

The recent decision of the Board of Directors of the Banco de la República (Colombia’s Central Bank) to maintain the monetary policy rate unchanged at 13.25% requires careful analysis from an economic perspective that emphasizes individual freedom, free markets, and limited government intervention. This article will examine the elements considered by the Board in reaching…

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